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Самарской гуманитарной академии
Вестник Самарской гуманитарной академии. Серия «Философия. Филология. » – 2011. – № 1(9) стр.200-202
Razinov Y. Modality service of truth: the Guardians and the Diggers
The article examines two ways of service to the truth – "safeguard" and "digging", which as different modes of existential relationship to the truth are interpreted. Meanwhile, being different, they are an identical modes of deviation from the truth.
Key words: truth, αληθεια, concealment, secrecy, being, existence.
Serikov A. Imitation and Stereotyped Behavior in autism
How exact imitation is possible? Could we imitate without extraction of any sense? In order to answer the questions, it is useful to look at behavior in autism. Exact imitation and stereotyped behavior seem very alike from the usual point of view. But autists are impaired in imitating and proned to stereotyped behavior at the same time. It proves that exact imitation without any sense is impossible. Autists behave differently because they get different sense of objects and situations then other people. The most credible scientific explanations of the phenomenon are autists having problems with theory of mind and with central coherence. In context of categorization theory, we can suppose that autists have different basic level of abstraction as well.
Key words: imitation, stereotypes, stereotyped behavior, autism, theory of mind, central coherence, categorization, prototypes, basic level of abstraction.
Kazarina T. Binary culture and the torn consciousness
The article deals with the theme of a torn consciousness as integrative component of all Dmitry Prigov's creativity. This feature of thinking is being built to representations about the duality of russian culture as its fundamental properties.
Key words: conceptualism, torn consciousness, comic, pathetique, binary culture.
Mikhaylova M. Classics versus…
The article deals with classical literature in the context of contemporary culture. The boundaries, function and role of the classics are clarified through a comparison of classics with avant-garde, cult and popular literature. The connection of classics with the feast type of culture is revealed to explain the rejection of classics by the market civilization.
Key words: Literature, classics, avant-garde, popular literature, cult literature, feast, market.
Lishaev S. Aesthetics of space in cultural-historical and existential context
The article deals with cultural-historical and exitential causes of crisis in classical aesthetics. Here we try to detect and describe a new type of aesthetic sensibility, which developing can be considered as one of the reasons of aesthetic revolution in the early XX century. The new type of sensibility is connected with developing of particular sensitivity for space and time in the European culture. Metaphysical focus of such sensitivity is defined as aesthetic experience of likeliness or unlikeliness of the Other. In our study we also give consideration to cultural-historical context of sensibility to such typological forms of the space as locality, interior and direction.
Key words: aesthetics, beautiful, entity, possibility, future, time, space, place, locality, dimensions of the space.
Ivanenko E., Koretskaya M., Savenkova E. Manifesto Handmade: a story about everyday life in the network and beyond
This article is devoted to the problematization of body experience in the space of everyday life in the aspect of handmade practice as a hobby. Virulent growth in popularity of handmade hobbies is seen as a manifesto proclaiming a return to direct experience of body, overcoming the ubiquitous media, and the possible presence of one on one with thingsHowever, the claim of creative hobby for creativity and going beyond the media environment can be questioned.
Key words: everyday life, body, thing, media, hobby, craft, simulacrum.
Melikhov G. "Tо chto est": the experience of historical and philosophical thematization
This article provides an overview of the historical and philosophical contexts of the concept "that is". Reveals the meaning of "ekstsentratsiya", his relationship with the concepts of "decentration" and "phenomenological reduction". Given treatment parmenidovskogo teachings of the relationship between being and thinking.
Key words: "tо chto est", shift, awareness, ekstsentratsiya, reality, being.
Bogatov M. Husserl reads Descartes, or about the questionable of life
The article discusses the strategy of Husserl interpretation of Descartes method. Particular attention is paid to "expose" and the introduction of historicism, weakens the position of Descartes. This allows us to better clarify the positions of both thinkers on the "purity and rigor of thought".
Key words: Husserl, Descartes, method, interpretation, history, historicism, history of philosophy, thinking, exposing.
Pesterev V. The Self-Development of the Art Form of the Novel «Minor Angels» by Antoine Volodine
The article concerns one of the most complex literary works of the modernity – the novel "Minor Angels" by A. Volodine. It analyzes how the emphasized aspect of self-development of the art form functions in the discourse (in general and in various discourse types in particular). The article focuses on the dynamics of the inner and outer forms of the novel, which makes it possible to put topical questions to aesthetic value and originality of the literature at the turn of the 21st century.
Key words: artistic form, artistic structure, artistic synthesis, author, dynamics of forms, fragment, inner form, narrator, narrats, poetics, post-exotism, repetition.
Tarnarutskaya E. Self-reflexive narration after September 11: Relevance of irrelevance ("The book of ten nights and a night" by John Barth)
"The book of ten nights and a night" by John Barth, which is set immediately after September 11th 2001, dramatizes the relevance and constituents of artistic activity, the relationship of reality and fictionality, and the borderline existence of self-reflexive narration.
Kew words: self-reflexive narrative, narrativity, borderline existence, framing, fictionality, relevance of irrelevance, construction and ordering, isolation, border transparency.
Demina A. The structure and functions of a character in "The Alexandria Quartet" by Lawrence Durrell and "The dictionary of Khazars" by Milorad Pavic
The article is an attempt of a comparative investigation of the structure and functions of a character in L. Durrell’s "The Alexandria Quartet" and M. Pavic’s "The dictionary of Khazars". These novels reveal a number of a number of common structural features that allow to speak about a certain type of novel of the twentieth century, tentatively called the novel of an implicit plot.
An important component in this type of novel is the system of characters. The analysis of this system both help to identify some important structural features of the novel of an implicit plot and to outline some common trends in the development of the novel of the second half of the twentieth century.
Key words: a character, a novel of an implicit plot, "looking-for Unities" novel, L. Durrell, M. Pavic.
Nikolenko M. "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James in the light of the crisis of authorship
This article analyzes "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James with regard to the "crisis of authorship" problem. The author/character relationship is traced on different levels of the artistic structure of the novel.
Key words: author, character, artistic finalization, value, evaluation, aesthetic objectivity, crisis of authorship.
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