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Самарской гуманитарной академии
Lishaev S. Perception of Height: Сomplexity of the "Simple Things"
Abstract. In this article we consider the phenomenon "height" as a determining arrangement in the aesthetics of space, draw distinction between perception of height as position and height 'from the bottom upwards'. Here we an alyze the conditions, in which the height 'from the bottom upwards' can occur as aesthetical event. Our study reveals the aesthetical construction of the phenomenon "height" and its correlation with such arrangements of aesthetics of space as aether and abyss.
Key words: aesthetics, space, direction, person, opportunity, dimension, aether, abyss, the Other. Perception of Height: Сomplexity of the "Simple Things".
Demin I. The phenomenon of nostalgia in the context of postmetaphysical philosophy of history
This article discusses the concept of historical (nostalgic) experience of Ankersmit. Identifies the ontological assumptions of this concept and defined its place among other concepts postmetaphysical philosophy of history.
Key words: nostalgia, nostalgic experience, historical experience, past experience, phenomenology, Ankersmit, historical narrative..
Koneva А. Existential anger in the landscape of life with others: images of destructive exchange in the modern cinema
The article deals with the emotions of anger expression images in modern cinema. For example, the author selected two films, most obviously represented the emotion of anger as an "existential anger". The author introduces the concept of existential anger to show the metaphysical base of this emotion that arises in the space of a collision with Other. Anger is seen as going beyond the state of comfort, as a phenomenon of the collision with the unknown another, as filling the void..
Key words: anger, emotions, the image of the Other, cultural norms, the intentionality of consciousness.
Serikov A. Emotions and free will in neuroscience contex
In B.Libet's famous experiments the motor cortex readiness potential (RP) preceded conscious intention to move. It looked like the brain itself decided to act and free will was just an illusion. But, according to Libet, conscious will is not an illusion because it can veto the act after RP have appeared. A.Mele argues that RP stands for an urge to move, not for a decision or a proximal intention, so free will is being saved again. It is tempting to interpret the findings in dualistic terms: urges could be understood as feelings based on emotions, and intentions - as results of emotion-free decisions. But according A.Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis, emotion-free decisions are impossible. Unconscious emotions precede both conscious feelings and ration al decisions. So, free will cannot be executed in a new unknown situation immediately. It can only exist by evaluating results of previous acts and b y preparing the body for needed emotion al reaction in next situations.
Key words: free will, consciousness, brain, conscious mental field, emotion, urge, intention, wanting, decision, act, somatic marker hypothesis, dualism, R. Descartes, B. Libet, A. Mele, A. Damasio.
Maxakova R. Feature of modern society: cost value of emotions
By funds (including by means of their type and appearance) and goods we can have certain emotions. Positive emotions are or not depend on our perception. But the money has some other force: by them we can cause some emotions in other people.
Key words: money, funds, emotions, other people, cost value, post-industrial society, signedness, consumer society, shopping, a change of perception.
Filatov T. Emotions and an old age
In article the problem of aging of the person in intellectual and emotion al aspects is considered. The idea of asymmetry of intellectual development of the person having character of a sinusoid, and the exhibitor emotion al fading of the person beginning since the moment of a birth is proved.
Key words: an old age, emotions, intelligence, postenlightenment, existentia
Permyakov Y. Patsansky (guy's) conversation: the camp survival strategy
The article raises the question about the specifics of the so-called "guy's conversation", in which, according to the author, the conversation loses its essential properties. The specifics of this style of speech is revealed through the concept of the camp's survival strategy.
Key words: communication, conversation, camp, norm of speech.
Kazarina T. Members of youth gangs as a subject of modern literature
The article is devoted to the new for the modern literature of the subject of members of youth gangs, which is considered on the material of prose Vladimir Kozlov and Mikhail Elizarov. Examines how the new socio-cultural phenomenon fits the authors in the overall picture of the world.
Key words: geometry, topology, homeomorphism, path, method, metamorphosis, ametodizm, Taoism..
Rymar N. The boundaries of artistic space: the frame and the material
The paper an alyses some functions of the frame and the material of art from the perspective of the creative act in art. It shows various aspects of both the frame and the material (word, color, stone, etc.) that operate as detachment, isolation in art and creation of peculiar fiction al space.
Key words: creative act, isolation, detachment, the material of art, frame, fiction al space.
Garbuzinskaya J. «Hellenism» as a response to the situation of the dehumanization of art: «Semantic poetics» O. Mandelshtam
The article talks about the akmeistic poetics as a solution in the crisis of culture of XX century. Mandelshtam, as a author of that poetics, found its central elements of Simbolic Word and human in the world. Return man in the spotlight of the artist and the return to the poetic word of its symbolic n ature and «Hellenic free dom» – overcoming dehumanization in art of the 20th century, back to the mimetic image structure.
Key words: Mandelshtam, «hellenizm» in the the 20th century, «semantic poetics», renunciation of the person al, dehumanization in art of the 20th century, the problem of mimesis, «organic» Poetics, the.
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