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Самарской гуманитарной академии
Вестник Самарской гуманитарной академии. Выпуск «Философия. Филология. » – 2010. – № 2 (8) стр.195-197
Kosykhin V. Community and foundation: Dasein, absence, synthema
The article deals with the problem of foundation of community in modern philosophy. There are three essential conceptual possibilities that could constitute such foundation as the author suggests. The first one takes Heideggerian Dasein as a way of creation of hermeneutical community with metaphysical tradition, the second acts in the sphere of absence, which is understood as a meeting place of unthinkable community of thinkers, especially in Derrida’s thought, and the third possibility is described by Neo-Platonist concept of syntheme. All these possibilities should be regarded in the context of "hermeneutics of returning" that returns us to pristine philosophical community in communicating acts of thought.
Key words: community, Bataille, Dasein, Heidegger, metaphysics, absence, Derrida, synthema, hermeneutics of returning.
Bogatov M. The ontology of community: "society effectation" strategy
As described below, the theses we are talking about the community as a special way of thinking society and the society-thinking ontology. Community is a special «effect» case. Community — is what allows you to be all settled meanings of society. In essence, it is specially designed reaction to the steady state of affairs. The adoption of this position allows us to understand some features of the social problems of today.
Key words: сommunity, society, stoic effects, Deleuze, Nietzsche, Blanchot, Aristotle, hermeneutics, interpretation.
Serikov A. Society as imitation: the Tarde’s idea revisited
Tarde’s concepts of invention and imitation are revisited. Tarde considered imitation from its external social side which makes us think of observer problem. Another is a problem of exact imitation possibility and of exactness criteria. All inventions and discoveries, according Tarde, are composed of prior imitations. But can imitation itself be considered as source of creativity? Can we think of innovation and imitation as of the same semantic mechanism’s products? Can we develop Tarde’s idea of imitation laws in contemporary semantics context? One more question is of propagation criteria: what ideas and actions are imitated first — useful for humans or those that better adapted for replication?
Key words: Tarde, imitation, mimesis, meme, mimetics, social batons, examples following, rule following, invention, discovery, innovation, creativity, social theory, action theory, аction research, semantic mechanisms.
Ivanenko E., Koretskaya M., Savenkova E. Policy community and the media community, or find ten differences between the comic mask and emoticons
The article compares the two types of communities: the community of policy and the media community. In this context, a comparison of ancient comic mask and a emoticon as a signs of ways of expressing emotions allows to fix the symptomatic changes in strategies for organizing and maintaining the integrity of communities of various types.
Key words: community, sign, code, signs of emotion, policy, media, internet, comic mask, emoticon, funny.
Lishaev S. Space of spaciousness
The article contains analytical description of spaciousness as a phenomenon of the aesthetics of space. The particular characteristic of spaciousness is considered as sensual opportunity to experience unlimited ability to travel and move. Spaciousness is understood as aesthetical event. In this article we analyze its subjective and objective prerequisites.
Key words: aesthetics of the space, phenomenon of spaciousness, the Other, event, opportunity, modern times.
Malyshev V. The person who thinks about art and the machine speed
The present article studies the metalanguage elements of the conceptual art syntax. A new philosophical question statement about nature of art according to Sl.Zizek's method of the Parallax View is considered in present research. To make the metalanguage description of this a phenomenon we use an Machine and Orbital metaphor as the basic descriptive design. The metalanguage description of the phenomenon of an art becomes obvious in structural "gap" between conceptual and imaginative representation about it.
Key words: conceptual art, media, metalanguage, Orbital and Machine metaphors.
Bogatyreva E. Art and Scientific and Technjlogical Progress: Interaction Outline
The article looks into the subject of the influence of scientific and technjlogical progress on art, first raised by Walter Benjamin, but here it is placed into the context of new changes of the information society, its anthropological challenges, and within the problem of the art existence in the system of the web communication.
Key words: art, science, technology, man, information, experience, communica-tion, dialogue.
Vlasova О. The power of society and the autonomy of madman: Thomas Szasz’s antipsychiatric project
The article analyzes Thomas Szasz’s antipsychiatric project. Based on the translation and original texts of the thinker and including his works within the context of social theory of anti-psychiatry, author analyzes the main provisions of the contradictions of Szsz’s antipsychiatric project.
Key words: antipsychiatry, social theory, power, autonomy, society, myth of mental illness, burden of misunderstanding, ideology, coercion, dependence, social institutions.
Lekhtsier V. "Ordinary mortal" or "a man from the street"
The article raises the problem of correlation of professionalism and ethics and offers two opposite strategies of consideration of the given problem. The first treats the opposition professional / dilettante, proceeding from irreconcilable opposition of specialised job requirements and universal ethics of "ordinary mortal". Thus special attention is paid to those social practices where experts share the key powers with dilettantes. The second strategy deals with immanent job ethics, professionalism as an ethical category. This approach can be in its turn well-founded, starting with мonadic and intersubjective logic.
Key words: profession, ethics, expert, dilettante, "ordinary mortal", social practices.
Fokin S. Translation as a misfortune of Russian philosophy: on critique of V.A. Podoroga’s mimesis concept
This article describes a problem of translation into Russian the philosophical texts, the existence of translated texts in the national cultural field. On the example of the monograph V.A. Podoroga is analyzed the relationship of the French and Russian philosophical discourses, the search for identity of philosophical language, thought, research strategies, and finally, about the inability of western techniques of analysis to grasp the specifics of Russian literature. The author emphasizes the hollowness of independence the philosophical approach from the language problems.
Key words: translation, philosophical text, Russian literature.
Demin, I. Existential-ontological support technology in the philosophy of Heidegger
The article deals with the existential-ontological concept of technology of Heidegger, the necessity of an ontological perspective in considering the philosophical problems of technology.
Key words: technology, philosophy, technology, fundamental ontology, supplying.
Dyakov A.L. Durrell and Gnosticism. Some Thoughts about the Rationality and the Eclecticism
Article represents experience of essayistic researches of Gnostic motives in L. Durrel’s «The Avignon quintet». The author spends thought on insufficiency of rationality in Durrel’s Gnosticism versions.
Key words: L. Durrell, Gnosticism, pleroma. Kenoma, rationality, sydzygia, immoralism.
Javorskiy D. What is Leibniz’s "Discours de metaphisique" silent on?
In this paper I attempt to answer the question, why Leibniz excluded the soteriological part from his "Discours de metaphysique", which was composed according to standard theological treatise. I offer the version, that the philosopher has intentionally held back questions which provoked disagreements during an epoch of religious conflicts. Reflecting above a problem of European unity, Leibniz was declined to supersede the theological discourse of sociocultural unity by naturalistic one.
Key words: Leibniz, nature, universalism, naturalism, Christianity.
Rymar A. Analysis of symbolic structures in the magic fairy tale – problems and perspectives
In this article some symbolic structures in the plot of magic fairy tale are analyzed. It is considered that fairy tales plots was formed as a memory about the rite of the initiation. But the complexity of the structure of these plots can not be conditioned only by that fact. It can be explained only in the context of the problem of the mind.
Key words: Symbol, historical roots of the magic fairy tale, problem of the mind.
Kuznetsova D. Prose Poem Cycle as an Autopsychological Form
Autopsychological insight of Turgenev’s prose poems is found in the strain between the persona being identified by readers as the writer, and the implicit author emerging from the creation integrity of prose poem cycle.
Key words: prose poem, cycle, autopsycological insight, implicit author, I. S. Turgenev, Y. Bryl, V. A. Solouhin, V. P. Astafiev, Y. V. Bondarev, O. K. Kozhuhova.
Baranova I. Literature and medicine: the transformation of the image of doctor in Russian literature of XIX century
In the article generalizes key representations about doctors and medicine of XIX century, shows mutual influence of literature and public life, literature and medicine. On example of the transformation of the image of doctor in Russian literature of the specified period author shows how the literature becomes a part of the general development of society, reflects actual cultural concepts.
Key words: image of doctor, transformation, soul, body, suffering.
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